Watermelon Popsicle | Homemade Popsicles | Summer Recipes

Frank Epperson, an 11-year-old accidentally invented the”popsicle “way back in 1905. It was a freezing night in San Francisco. The soda powder and water with a stirring stick that he left outside the house turned into a delightful summer treat.

Here is a no sugar chill treat that can be relished by all….the watermelon popsicle with Indian flavours.

Ingredients & Preparation for Watermelon Popsicle

  • Watermelon juice 2 cups 
  • Black salt/kaala namak 1/4tsp
  • Chaat masala as desired.
  • Whisk all the above ingredients and pour into popsicle molds and freeze till done 
  • Serve frozen popsicle sprinkled with more chaat masala.

PC & Recipe: Vaishnavi Ramesh

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